Wednesday, January 23, 2013

David’s 3 month Make Over week 3

David’s second week was a great success, too. He lost another 6 pounds, so he is down to 207 lb in two weeks. He is doing a great job, very strict with the food he eats and we religiously work out 3 times a week. His weight lose is going to slow down, he only has 27 lb more to go, an other 20 is going to be easier but the last 7 lb is the hardest. The body gets used to the food he eats and the regular exercise he does, in order to keep losing the weight we have to ad something extra not to hit plateau.
This weeks workout is going to be different, not circuit style like we did the previous weeks  but supersets. We are going to do 2 exercises back to back 3 times and then go to the next 2 exercise. This is an effective way to  save time and work different muscle groups, you can do opposite muscles like biceps and triceps or the same muscle groups like the glutes in different exercises like deep squats and swings. Superset style ads a little intensity to the workout because you use the same or opposite muscles groups back and fort for 3 sets with no rest.

For warm up we do the foam rolling ( see previous blog ) and 4 way lunges.

 Core is going to be plank with leg lifts 

sg leg bridge


Full body:

Sg arm kettlebell swings and modified deep squats 3x 15

Standing chest press and standing row 3x 15

Stationary lunges and side step ups 3x 15/side

Standing over head press and seated lat pull downs 3x 15

 We are going to finish up with stretching ( see previous blog ).

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