Tuesday, January 8, 2013

David’s 3 months Make Over

David is a 30 something :-))  year old every day guy with an athletic background (soccer and triathlons) and a history of low back pain. Three years ago had low back surgery for disc herniation, did rehabilitation after and was working out on and off to strengthen his back muscles and whole body. Being limited by low back and leg pain he put on some weight in the last 3 years. He is up for a 3 month 3 times a week workout challenge to drop the extra weight.
David is 5’11” ( 180 cm ) tall and 219 lb ( 99.5 kg ), his BMI is 30.5 ( considered Obese in American standards ) and has 25% Body Fat. His goal is to drop his body fat under 20%, lose some fat and build lean muscle and adopt a healthy lifestyle for the rest of his life.
Before picture :-))

 He is committed to a 3 months 3 times a week workout program and nutritional coaching to get healthier, move better and feel better.
He is limited in movement by the back surgery, a tight hamstring, low back and leg pain, that he still has after the surgery.
His workouts needs to be adapted to his limitations, the time and space and equipment that we have available for this project. We are training in an apartment with limited space and equipments, using only free weights, kettle bells and tubes.
His workouts are a combination of flexibility, balance, core and full body exercises.
For warm up we do foam rolling and dynamic stretching to prepare the muscles and start the blood flow in the muscle.

Foam roll the calfs, hamstrings, IT Bands, quads and piriformis( glutes )


Side lying torso rotation  12/ side

Back lying leg lift  12/side

Sg leg hip bend  6/side

After the worm up we do 2 sets of 12-15  exercise

Glute bridge on heels 2X12

Plank 90-120 sec hold

Full body circuit

Sg arm swing 3X12/side

Modified deep squats 3X12

Ball chest press 3X12

Bent over row on balance board 3X12

Stationary lunges on balance board 3X12/side

Biceps curl and press one leg elevated 3X12

Sitting lat pull down 3X12

We finish every session with stretching the calfs, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, spine and back.

I gave him a very simple meal plan as a guide, based on Michael Pollan advise, “ Eat Food”. Basic rule is to cut out all processed sugar, hydrogenated oil, bad carbs and processed/fast food.
The meals consist of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and healthy fats and a vegan protein powder after the workouts.

David’s Meal Plan

Day 1: Monday  01/ 07 /2013

Breakfast: 1 plain yogurt with berries

Snack: 1/2 cup raw, unsalted walnuts

Lunch: 1 slice chicken breast cooked in coconut oil
            2 cup steamed vegetables( Broccoli)
            1 med sweet potato

Snack: 1 cup raw baby carrots

Dinner: Vega shake
            Fresh  salad

Day 2: Tuesday 01/ 08 /2013

Breakfast: 1 avocado with mustard
                  2 Ezekiel wrap

Snack: fruits

Lunch: salmon cooked in coconut oil
            2 cup steamed spinach
            1/2 cup wild rice

Snack: : 1/2 cup raw, unsalted almonds

Dinner: bean salad

Day 3: Wednesday 01/ 09 /2013

Breakfast: 1 cup cooked millet with cinnamon
                    1tbls almond butter
Snack: fruits

Lunch:  chicken breast with big salad 

Snack: : 1/2 cup raw, unsalted nuts

Dinner: Vega shake
            Hummus with carrots and celery
Day 4: Thursday 01/ 10/ 2013

Breakfast: egg whites with spinach

Snack: plain yoghurt

Lunch: Sardinia with beans and arugula

Snack: : fruits

Dinner: lentil soup with veggies

Day 5: Friday 01/ 11/ 2013

Breakfast: buckwheat with egg whites

Snack: fruits

Lunch: chicken with steamed veggies
            sweet potato

Snack: : 1/2 raw, unsalted nuts ( pumpkin, sunflower seeds)

Dinner: Vega shake
 Quinoa salad

Day 6: Saturday 01/ 12/ 2013

Breakfast: millet with cinnamon and coconut butter

Snack: fruits 

Lunch: pork chop with veggies

Snack: : raw carrots

Dinner: meat ball  soup with veggies

Day 7: Sunday 01/ 13 /2013

Breakfast: egg whites with spinach

Snack: nuts

Lunch: bean salad with greens

Snack: : fruits

Dinner: roasted vegetables

Lots of water every day -:)))

Stay tuned for next weeks workout!!!

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