After you drop all the water weight that your body accumulated, starts the real weight lose. As I sad before David's weight lose starts to sloe down, which is normal, good and healthy. Last week he lost 3 pounds, so he is down to 204 lb and body fat is down to 21%. He last 15 lb in 3 weeks and 4% of body fat , which is really good. We want his body fat to go lower even if his weight not going down but if his body fat is, that means that he is still burning fat and building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat that is the reason why we don't see changes in the scale but pants are getting loser.
This week we did more compound exercises, like side lunges with curl and press and sg arm sg leg row to use more muscle and expend more energy.
15 lb lighter takes a lot of the stress of from his lower back and knees, too, which is a good thing because of his constant lower back pain.
His diet is the same, no sugar, salt or flour. The only carb he eats is fruits and veggies and sweet potato. Carvings for the sweets are fading, chocolate not a temptation any more :-)).
This week's exercises:
Foam roll and warm up is the same as the previous ones ( see previous blogs).
For core this week we do side plank and ball roll outs.
Side plank 2X 60 sec. hold/side
Ball roll outs 2X12
Full body circuit:
Side lunges with curl and over head press 3X12/ side
One arm swings 3X15 /side
T-push ups 3X15
Sg arm sg leg row 3X15/ side
Modified deep squats 3X15
We finished up with stretching( for videos see previous blogs)
For more exercise videos go to my you tube channel
Csilla's first week was a great success, after 19 years of not exercising she did a really good job at the gym. We trained together once and she did interval training on the treadmill by herself twice.
She started drinking water and eating healthier than she did before. Even though we didn't see any changes in the scale (still weights 229 LB), but her pants are getting loser. This happens very often when somebody is overweight for many years the body holds on to the fat and needs a little more time to release it. Csilla's body is so dehydrated for not drinking water for years and from the over consumption of salt that will take more time to start to loose the water weight, which goes first when you change your diet and start to drink water and get rid of the salt. When this happens it's very important to not to get discouraged and give up, keep the positive attitude and keep going one.
This weeks workout is a little different then last weeks, some new exercises, boxing and jumping jacks to ad a little more intensity.
We have started with a dynamic balance exercise and to my amazement she had a really good balance, which I hardly ever see it on people first time.
Sg leg hip band
For core we did bridge with push down
and Plank
We started the work out with side lunges with biceps curls
seated chest press
Standing cable row
Step up with one arm over head press
and finished up with the Boxing
and jumping jacks
The interval training she did by herself was the following:
3 min warm up on 3
5 min run on 6 and 3 min walk on 3 X 2
20 body weight squats
5 min run on 6 and 3 min walk on 3 X 2
20 lunges
3 min walk on 3
Her biggest challenge is drinking water regularly and adding some fruits to her diet.
David’s second week was a great success,
too. He lost another 6 pounds, so he is down to 207 lb in two weeks. He is doing
a great job, very strict with the food he eats and we religiously work out 3
times a week. His weight lose is going to slow down, he only has 27 lb more to
go, an other 20 is going to be easier but the last 7 lb is the hardest. The
body gets used to the food he eats and the regular exercise he does, in order
to keep losing the weight we have to ad something extra not to hit plateau.
This weeks workout is going to be
different, not circuit style like we did the previous weeksbut supersets. We are going to do 2
exercises back to back 3 times and then go to the next 2 exercise. This is an
effective way tosave time and
work different muscle groups, you can do opposite muscles like biceps and
triceps or the same muscle groups like the glutes in different exercises like
deep squats and swings. Superset style ads a little intensity to the workout
because you use the same or opposite muscles groups back and fort for 3 sets
with no rest.
For warm up we do the foam rolling ( see previous blog ) and 4 way lunges.
Core is going to be plank with leg lifts
sg leg bridge
Full body:
Sg arm kettlebell swings and modified deep
squats 3x 15
Standing chest press and standing row 3x
Stationary lunges and side step ups 3x
Standing over head press and seated lat
pull downs 3x 15
We are going to finish up with stretching ( see previous blog ).
Csilla is a 36-year young lady with 2
kids, a husband and an athletic background. She has been skiing and cross county skiing from age 6 to 17
and used to weight 121 lb (55 kg). At age 25 she got pregnant first time and
she put on 66 lb (30kg), which she wasn’t able to lose it after having the
baby. 12 years after she got pregnant for the second time, after being on
hormone therapy and put on an other 42 lb ( 19kg ). Csilla weighs 229 lb (
104kg ) now, she is 5’2” ( 158cm ) tall , her BMI is 41.9 ( Obese ) and her body
fat is 45,8 %.
goal is to lose at least 88lb ( 40 kg ), drop down the body fat around 20%, and
adopt a healthy lifestyle for the rest of her life.
Before picture:-)))
She made a decision to lose weight
andget healthier. She is
committedto work out 3
times a week, once with me and 2 times by herself in the gym, where she lives.
gym has very limited equipment, so we only have a tread mill, a pair of small
weights and exercise bands. We are going to do some boxing as a metabolic
finisher after each circuit of exercise. She is going to do interval training
on the tread mill by herself twice a week.
has no limitation beside her extra weight, no aches or pains and she is pretty
flexible. We are going to start with a worm up then do core exercises followed
by a full body workout, boxing for metabolic finisher to get her heart rate up
and then stretch.
Mini band side walk 1X 12
lunges with trunk twist1X 6/side
Dog with JC Band2X 12/side
Plankhold as long as can
to row3X 15
chest press3X 15
lunges with over head press3X
pull downs 3X 15
swings3X 12/side
a week she is going to do interval training on the tread mill.
min walk on speed 3
min walk on speed 5.5
min walk on speed 3
min walk on speed 5.5
body weight squats
min walk on speed 5.5
min walk on speed 3
min walk on speed 5.5
min walk on speed 3
body weight lunges/side
I met Csilla at the first time she told me that she haven’t been drinking water
since she stopped skiing. First thing I did was to get her to start drinking
water, instead of soda, juice and other sugary beverage. She also admitted that
she loves salty foods and ads a lot of salt to her meals, so we have to cut
back on her salt consumption, too. She is committed to make some major changes
in her diet to reach her goal. I gave her a very simple meal plan as a guide,
based on Michael Pollan advise, “ Eat Food”. Basic rule is to cut out all
processed sugar, hydrogenated oil, bad carbs and processed/fast food.
meals consist of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and healthy
fats and lots of water. I told her to take a table spoon of raw, unpasteurized,
organic apple cider vinegar before breakfast and dinner to help the body burn
fat more efficiently.
Day 1
Breakfast: chia
pudding with hemp seeds and coconut butter
Snack: oranges
Lunch: 1 slice
chicken breast cooked in coconut oil
first week was a great success he lost 6 lb, from 219 lb to 213 lb. We all know
that healthy weight lose is 1,5-2 lb according to the doctors, but David’s 6 lb
is mostly water weight. If a person has belly fat , like David that is the
result of eating processed sugary food and processed, salty food for a period
of time, he admitted that he been eating chocolate a lot :-))). Because of to much
salt the body withholds water and when you cut back on salt and sugar in the
diet the body releases water, and that is why in case of a diet changeat the beginning we lose more weight
then the recommended 1,5-2 lb.
As you could see
the only sugar in his diet was fresh fruits, no processed food so we can
control the amount of salt he eats, too. The 3 biggest enemy of the human body
is the over consumption of white sugar, salt and flour.
If we get rid of
these 3 things we can control our weight and health, too.
This week I am
going to ad chia and hemp seeds to his diet. Chia is a good source of omega3
fatty acides and fiber and hemp is a good source of plant based protein.
Second week’s
warm up we do foam rolling and dynamic stretching to prepare the muscles and
start the blood flow for the work out.
roll the calfs, hamstrings, IT Bands, quads and piriformis( glutes )
lying torso rotation12/ side
lying leg lift12/side
the worm up we do 2 sets of 12-15 core exercise
Ball bridge
Plank on the
Full body
Romanian dead
lifts 3x12
T push ups 3x12
Sg leg sg arm
row 3x12/side
Biceps curls 3x12
Triceps push
downs 3x12
Biceps femoris
Back lying IT
Bands, Adductors
Ball lat stretch
Ball chest
David’s Meal Plan week 2.
Day 8: Mondayjan 14 2013
Breakfast: chia
pudding with hemp seeds and coconut butter
Snack: oranges
Lunch: 1 slice
chicken breast cooked in coconut oil