Tuesday, January 15, 2013

David's 3 month make over week 2

David’s first week was a great success he lost 6 lb, from 219 lb to 213 lb. We all know that healthy weight lose is 1,5-2 lb according to the doctors, but David’s 6 lb is mostly water weight. If a person has belly fat , like David that is the result of eating processed sugary food and processed, salty food for a period of time, he admitted that he been eating chocolate a lot :-))). Because of to much salt the body withholds water and when you cut back on salt and sugar in the diet the body releases water, and that is why in case of a diet change  at the beginning we lose more weight then the recommended 1,5-2 lb.
As you could see the only sugar in his diet was fresh fruits, no processed food so we can control the amount of salt he eats, too. The 3 biggest enemy of the human body is the over consumption of white sugar, salt and flour.
If we get rid of these 3 things we can control our weight and health, too.
This week I am going to ad chia and hemp seeds to his diet. Chia is a good source of omega3 fatty acides and fiber and hemp is a good source of plant based protein.

Second week’s workouts.

For warm up we do foam rolling and dynamic stretching to prepare the muscles and start the blood flow for the work out.

Foam roll the calfs, hamstrings, IT Bands, quads and piriformis( glutes )

Side lying torso rotation  12/ side

Back lying leg lift  12/side

After the worm up we do 2 sets of 12-15 core exercise

Ball bridge


Plank on the ball

Full body circuit:

Romanian dead lifts 3x12

T push ups 3x12

Sg leg sg arm row 3x12/side

Biceps curls 3x12

Triceps push downs 3x12


Biceps femoris


Back lying IT Bands, Adductors



Ball lat stretch

Ball chest stretch

David’s Meal Plan week 2.

Day 8: Monday  jan 14 2013

Breakfast: chia pudding with hemp seeds and coconut butter

Snack: oranges

Lunch: 1 slice chicken breast cooked in coconut oil
            2 cup steamed vegetables( Broccoli)
            1 med sweet potato

Snack: 1 cup raw baby carrots

Dinner: vega shake
            Fresh  salad

Day 9: Tuesday jan 15 2013

Breakfast: plain yogurt w almond butter 

Snack: fruits

Lunch: salmon cooked in coconut oil
            2 cup steamed spinach
            1/2 cup wild rice

Snack: : 1/2 walnuts, raw, unsalted

Dinner: bean salad with fresh veggies

Day 10: Wednesday jan 16 2013

Breakfast: 1 cup cooked millet with cinnamon
                    1tbls almond butter
Snack: fruits

Lunch:  chicken breast with big salad 

Snack: : 1/2 cup raw, unsalted nuts

Dinner: Vega shake
            Quinoa salad
Day 11: Thursday jan 17 2013

Breakfast: egg whites with spinach 1/2 avocado

Snack: plain yoghurt

Lunch: Sardinia with beans and arugula

Snack: : fruits

Dinner: lentil soup with veggies

Day 12: Friday jan 18 2013

Breakfast: buckwheat with egg whites

Snack: fruits

Lunch: chicken with steamed veggies
            sweet potato

Snack: : 1/2 raw, unsalted nuts ( pumpkin, sunflower seeds)

Dinner: Vega shake
 2 eggs with sauted carrots

Day 13: Saturday jan 19 2013

Breakfast: millet with cinnamon and nuts

Snack: fruits 

Lunch: fish with veggies

Snack: : raw carrots

Dinner: lentil soup

Day 14: Sunday jan 20 2013

Breakfast: chia pudding with hemp seeds and coconut butter

Snack: fruits

Lunch: bean salad with greens

Snack: : nuts

Dinner: roasted vegetables

Lots of water every day J)))

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