Saturday, April 27, 2013

David's hard core park core 2 work out

An other beautiful spring day, David and me headed to the Van Courtland Park for a hard core body weight work out. I only had my stick, also called the torturer  devise :-)) and an athletic band with me.
I did some soft tissue work with the stick on his calfs and IT Bands and then warmed up with some body weight lunges and torso twists and then he did bear crawl and side plank with a twist for core and then a full body body weight work out.
I want to show you that you don't need anything, not even a gym or dumbbells to have a  good work out. All you need is a pice of  green grass a bench and a bar for the pull ups and of course desire to work out in a beautiful sunny day :-))).

Warm up:

4 way lunges  3X 4

Lunge with a twist 3X 3


Bear crawl 2X 10

Side plank with a twist 2X 12

Full body:

Bench jumps 3X 8

Decline push ups 3X 30

Assisted pull ups 3X 10

Bulgarian split squats 3X12

Burpees 1X 10


Monday, April 8, 2013

David's hard core track core work out

Sunday afternoon me and David and his girlfriend went to Van Courtland Park's Track in the Bronx to work out. It was a really nice and sunny day here in New York City, so I tough it's perfect to train in the track. The track is a good 10 min walk from our place, so we had the warm up walking there and did some more dynamic stretch and core then a full body with TRX and body weight exercises in the track.
You don't need a gym to work out, all you need is a park or track, a nice day, some fresh air and willingness to do it :-))
Here is David's hard core track core work out:-)))

I used the golfers stretch to stretch the legs, torso and shoulders a little bit. Did the duck walk to loosen up the hip joint more.

Warm up:

Golfers stretch 3X side

Duck walk 1X 20


Side plank 2X 1 min

Inch worm 2X 10

Full body:

Squat jumps 3x 12

Elevated push ups 3x 30

TRX row 3X 12

TRX sg leg squats 3x 12 

TRX prone hip flexion 3X 12 


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

David's 3 months make over week 12


3 months ago David come to me and said I want to lose weight, get fit and be healthy, I do anything you say :-)). So this is how we started at 219 lb and 25% body fat and low back pain ( had disc surgery about 4 years ago).
David's goal was to lose weight, get fit, be healthy and get rid of the low back pain, what he had even after the surgery. My goal was to make sure he reaches his goal :-)) and help him develop heathy eating habits, love and passion for regular exercise and make lasting changes in his lifestyle that he can stick for the rest of his life.
3 months after let's see how much we accomplished: he is 25.5 lb lighter and his body fat is down to 19%, if you remember we started with 12 push ups, now he can do 30 and wasn't able to do any assisted pull ups 3 months ago, now he can do 8, a full hour of hard core work out and only have back pain when the weather is going to change :-))). He already got a membership to a gym and promised that he is going to work out 3 times a week and keep up the work that we started.
My other goal with David's make over was to show anybody how easy it is to lose weight in a healthy way without any magic pills or surgery. All you have to do is decide it and put the work in it, go on a diet that you can keep for the rest of your life, eat food not junk, lots of fresh veggies and fruits, good, healthy fats, lean and clean protein and drink a lot of water. Make regular exercise a part of your weekly routine, have a good night sleep and lough a lot :-))).
Thats all it takes, I did it 6 years ago, David did it now and a lots of other people, YOU can do it,too.

If you had  start it 3 months ago, this could be YOU :-)))

Before                                                                                             After 

 Good job and Great success David !!!!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

David's Make Over week 11

David's last week was an other great success, lost 2.5 lb, so he is 193.5 lb, 25.5 lb lighter then 11 weeks ago. He might not be able to hit the 30 lb in 3 months, but come pretty close to it, which I think deserves a big Congratulations, he did a really good job with the diet and exercise, too. He has no sugar carvings any more, if he is hungry between meals snacks on raw, unsalted nuts, moves a lot easier, less stress on his lower back and knees and developed a lot of  good habits, like buying only foods that is good for him, planing and preparing the meals for himself, regular exercise on a weekly basis and drinking a lot of water.
Here are this weeks workouts:
Foam roll and dynamic stretch to warm up, core and full body.


Ball roll outs 2X 15

Plank on the foam roll with leg lifts 2X20/alternating

Full Body:

Modified deep squats with upright rows 3X15

Decline push ups 3X15

Assisted pull ups 3X7

Sg leg squats 3X15/side

Standing tube biceps curl 3X15


Stay tuned for next weeks workouts!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

David's make over week 10

Last week David lost 1 pound, so he is down to 196 lb, 23 lb in 10 weeks.
This week we are doing again a  high intensity interval training with kettle bells and body weight . Only 5 exercises -beside the 2 core exercise and the warm up- but 6 set and between 10-20 repetitions.
We  started with the regular foam rolling and warm up, back lying torso twist and modified leg raise, then we did the core exercises, ball roll outs and plank, then 6 sets from the following 5  exercises: double arm swings, double arm snatches, deep squats with over head press, assisted pull ups and ball hamstring curls. He started with 10 reps from each exercises then did 12,14,16,18 and 20.
 Right after the work out David has a vegan protein shake for dinner, to help his body to recover and  build muscle.


Ball roll outs 2X 12

Plank 2X1 min

Full body circuit: 6X 10-20 

Double arm swings /Double arm snatches/Front deep squats

Assisted pull ups

Ball hamstring curls

30 Push ups 


Stay tuned for next weeks workouts!!!

Csilla's make over week 7

You can't always measure progress on the scale and even if you don't see any results for a while you just have to keep doing the work and believe in it. Losing weight is not only diet and exercise but a mental thing, too. Being over weight and eating empty calories for a long period of time it makes the body hold on to the body fat and every calories that we put in our body because it goes on starving mode. We have to give the body real food filed with nutrient to be able to go off from starving mode. Sometimes people hold on to their weight mentally, it's not easy to let it go, especially if you don't know why are you holding to it. It helps a lot to find out the real reason behind your weight.
The weight is coming of from Csilla slowly but she has great progress on the tread-mill and exercising. She is getting a lot fitter, stronger, healthier even though it's still hard to stick to regular breakfasts and drinking water, and moves a lot easier.
She is running on 8.5 mile/hour on the tread-mill for 30 sec and only needs 1 min recovery time and back to 8.5 for another 4-5 intervals, compared to 5 mile/hour less then 2 months ago when we started.
This weeks exercises were a little bit more dynamic, we did a proper warm up and then did the core and full body exercises in on set without any breaks between reps and had only 1 min break between sets and did 3 sets.

Warm up:
Back lunge with a twist

Mini band side walk

Full body circuit:

Corkscrews  3X 12/side
Plank 3x 30 sec hold
Band swings 3X 15
Band snatches 3X 15
Band squats with over head press 3X12
Jumping jacks with bar 3x15


Stay tuned for next weeks workouts!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

David's make over week 9

Now that Davis is getting closer to his ideal body weight is getting harder and harder to lose weight.  Last week he didn't lose any weight, he still weigh 197 lb, from now on if he wants to lose more weight he has to cut back on food or pump up the intensity of the workouts.
This week he is doing a high intensity interval training with kettle bells and body weight. Only 3 exercises -beside the 2 core exercise and the warm up- but 6 set and between 10-20 repetitions.
We  started with the regular foam rolling and warm up, back lying torso twist and modified leg raise, the we did the core exercises, standing cable front press and side plank with cable row, and the we did 6 sets from the following 3  exercises: double arm swings with deep squats and over head press, push ups and side plank with cable row. He started with 10 reps from each exercises then did 12,14,16,18 and 20.
The benefits of doing high intensity interval workouts with weights is that beside building muscle you get a good cardio workout, too. If you only take short ( 1-2 min) brakes between exercises, its good for your muscles and heart, too and burns a ton of energy and leaves you with the feeling of a good, intense workout.
 Right after the work out David has a vegan protein shake for dinner, to help his body to build muscle.


Standing cable front press 2X 12/side

Side plank with cable row 2x 12/side

Full  Body

Double arm swings with deep squats and over head press 6X 10-20 

Push ups 6X 10-20

Side plank with cable row 6X 10-20


Stay tuned for next weeks workouts!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Csilla's make over week 6

Last week was a great success, 2 lb down. Beside the workout that we did together she did 2 more interval training for 30 min  by herself and played table tennis twice for over 1 hour with her son.
She is still not having breakfast every day, only couple of days weekly but started to ad more fresh fruits to her diet, pineapples turns out to be a good diuretic to her and one of her favorite.
This week we did more compound exercises, like swings with squats and over head press and lunges with rows to use more muscle in one move and burn more calories. We also did all of the exercises standing up and more jumping like jumping jacks and ice skaters to make her hear rate higher.
This weeks interval training is going to be more intense as well.

For warm up we did lunge with trunk twist.


Bridge with push downs

Resisted quadruped arm end leg extension

Full body

Sg arm swings to squat and over head press

Standing close grip chest press

Back lunges with rows

Upright rows 

Ice skaters


Jumping jacks with bar


Stay tuned for next weeks workouts!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

David's make over week 8

Last week we only trained once and David went to swim once, the scale didn't moved this week, so he is still 197 lb. The ups and downs of loosing weight is that one week you lose big and the other week you don't lose anything, but this is perfectly fine and normal, no need to worry about it just keep up with the diet and exercise routine.
This week we are going to do mostly sg arm and leg exercises. Doing sg leg and arm exercises improves balance, strengthens the core, uses the stabilizing muscles and burns more energy overall.
As usually we started with the foam rolling and then for warm up did the side lying torso twist and the modified leg raise 2X 12 of each. This week for core we did high and low planks and inverted bridge on the ball.


High and low planks 2X12

Inverted bridge on the ball 2X12

Full body:

Sg leg dead lift 3X12/side

Sg arm band chest press 3X12/side

Sg leg squats with sg arm row  3X12/side

Seated sg arm lat pulldowns  3X12/side

Supine hip extension with pull overs  3X12


Stay tuned for next weeks workouts!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Csilla's make over week 5

Csilla's fourth week was a great success, the scale is not moving but we measured her waist when we started four week ago and we measured yesterday and she has lost 4,5 inch ( 11,5 cm) in four weeks which is really good. She feels a lot better and getting stronger, probably that is why we don't see the scale move, and fitter, her interval training is more and more intense every week.   This week she did the jumping jacks with a 9 lb bar, her boxing is getting a lot faster and more intense.

This week for core we did plank with shoulder tap and corkscrew with a bar.

Plank with shoulder tap 2X 20

Corkscrew 2X12/side

Full body

Romanian dead lift 2X12 

Seated chest flys 2X12

Bent over reverse flys 2X12

Band squats 2X12

Back lunges with over head press sg arm 2X12/side

Standing shoulder scaption 2X12

Jumping jacks with bar 2X20

Boxing 2X4 min

Plank 2X 30 sec


Stay tuned for next weeks workouts!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

David's make over week 7

Last week was an other great success for David, he lost 5 lb, he is down to 197 lb and his body fat is 19,7%.
Half way down on the make over, 22 lb and 5% body fat  lost so far.

Before and After pics for the 6 weeks mark.

This weeks workout is more dynamic and intense.
For warm up we did the foam rolling, the side lying torso twist and modified leg raise.

Side lying torso twist 3X12/side

Modified leg raise 3X12/side



Standing chops 3X12/side

Side plank with rows 3X12/side

Full body circuit 3X 

 Sg arm Kettle bell swings 3X15
 Romanian dead lifts 3X12
 Decline push ups 3X20
 Bent over wide grip row 3X12
 Tall kneeling curl and press 3X12


Stay tuned for next weeks workouts!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

David's make over week 6

This week the scale didn't moved for David either, he is 202 lb, 17 lb down in 5 weeks.
Human body takes 4 to 6 week to adopt, weight lose is the biggest in the first 4 week, muscle gain is the easiest in the first 4 week because neural adaptation. David is almost 20 lb less then when he started so his body needs less energy( food) to function or burn more energy during exercise. Because of his back pain I can't really pus him to his limits, we have to be very careful with his lower back, he is limited in certain movements and he does't have full range of motion in his hip. If the hip is limited the lower back takes over and that can cause  lower back problems if the person is not strong enough to handle the stress.
To take up the notch on his training without hurting his back he is going to do swimming one day a week for about 30-40 min.
His diet is the same, no sugar, salt, flour or any kind of processed food. 3 meals a day consisting of lean protein, healthy fats and good carbs, nuts and fruits for snacks if hungry between meals.

This weeks exercises are much like last weeks with small changes.

For warm up we did a modified sg leg raise 


Plank with shoulder tap 2x 20

Ball roll outs  2x12



Full body

Modified deep squats   3X15


Push ups 3X15


Band bent over row 3X15


Ball pull overs 3X15


Standing upright rows 3X15


Stay tuned for next weeks workouts!!!